Cash flow statement

 1 January – 31 December 2019 1 January – 31 December 2018
Cash flow from business operations:
Profit (loss) before extraordinary items (+/–) -770,028.84 -671,752.61
Adjustments to operating profit (+/–):
Depreciation according to plan 76,396.39 88,909.60
Financial income and expenses -67,898.02 -13,696.20
Operating cash flow before change in working capital -761,530.47 -596,539.21
Change in working capital:
Increase/decrease in interest-free short-term receivables -1,248,446.64 1,512,371.01
Increase/decrease in interest-free short-term liabilities 1,278,485.79 130,346.75
Cash flow from operating activities before financial items and taxes -731,491.32 1,046,178.55
Interest and other financial expenses paid for operating activities -1,277.45 -1,883.96
Interest received from operating activities 69,175.47 15,580.16
Direct taxes paid (-) 0.00 99.06
Cash flow before extraordinary items -663,593.30 1,059,973.81
Cash flow from business operations (A) -663,593.30 1,059,973.81
Cash flow from investments:
Investments in tangible and intangible assets (-) -33,873.67 -174,707.76
Cash flow from investments (B) -33,873.67 -174,707.76
Cash flow from financing activities:
Dividends paid and other distribution of profits (-) -4,531,871.73 0.00
Cash flow from financing activities (C) -4,531,871.73 0.00
Change in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C) increase (+) / decrease (-) -5,229,338.70 885,266.05
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of period 16,662,311.38 15,777,045.33
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of period 11,432,972.68 16,662,311.38
-5,229,338.70 885,266.05