Personnel and organisation
On 31 December 2018, Hansel employed 116 people (95 on 31 December 2017 and 94 on 31 December 2016). The average work input of the employees in 2019 was 101 (90 in 2018, 83 in 2017). The significant increase in the number of personnel is due to the reorganisation of the company and its ownership, and preparations for increased demand from regional authority customers. At the end of 2019, women accounted for 54% of all personnel and 71% of Executive Committee members. The average age of employees was 43. At the end of the accounting period, 99% of the employees had permanent employment contracts (99% in 2018 and 96% in 2017).
A total of 59% of the employees have a master’s degree, 5% a bachelor’s degree, 7% a master’s degree from a university of applied sciences and 15% a bachelor’s degree from a university of applied sciences. A total of 10% of the employees have completed secondary education and 3% have no vocational qualifications. The company’s incentive system covers all permanent employees. Hansel adheres to the guidelines on management and key employee rewards and incentives issued by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Policy.
A total of 33 new employees entered the company in 2019, of whom 16 transferred as existing employees from KL-Kuntahankinnat due to the merger and 17 were hired as new employees. Of the latter, three have fixed-term employment contracts. Ten employees left the company over the course of the year. Six of them resigned, two retired, the fixed-term employment contract of one ended and the employment contract of one was terminated during the trial period by common agreement. An exit interview is carried out with employees who leave the company, to receive feedback.
The wellbeing and working capacity of the employees is regularly surveyed (approximately every two years). No survey was performed in 2019. Hansel encourages its employees to develop their competence. In 2019, the average employee had three days of training. Training and discussion sessions are regularly arranged for supervisors in connection with their supervisory tasks.
Read next: Outlook and goals for 2020